3D Point Clouds Processing

Participants: Quan Líu, Yunsong Zhou, Zhenxi Wang and Hongzi Zhu

Sponsors: LION

We are particularly interested in heterogeneous 3D point clouds data collected from neighboring vehicles through V2V communication. Such heterogeneous 3D point clouds, if well aligned, can extend the sensing range as well as enrich the sparse point cloud of one single LiDAR, benefiting down streaming applications.

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in Proceedings of IJCAI 2023, Macao, China.
Quan Liu, Hongzi Zhu, Yunsong Zhou, Hongyang Li, Shan Chang and Minyi Guo
in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF ICCV 2023, Paris, France.
Zhenxi Wang, Hongzi Zhu, Yunxiang Cai, Quan Liu, Shan Chang and Liang Zhang
in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2024, Vancouver, Canada.
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in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF CVPR 2024, Seattle, USA.

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